but dilly-dallying
over the hills
the miles of vines
the corners of which I’m cognizant
but just barely
the dead barn owl with one wing flapping in the breeze of a car just gone by
the cows
cute but stinky
and thankfully organic
the jibber-jabber on the radio
the cool rush of air from the window on the far side of the truck
the miles
the miles
they rush at me and under me and into infinity beyond the back bumper
and then the sun pushing up and into
the sky in the mirrors brightens and lightens and makes itself known
and when I look up at the mountain range that stands between me and the massive expanse of Pacific
the fog just barely spilling over
Mystic Trolley Tracks Unearthed
They are milling the roadway in West Mystic, CT, along West Main Street, in preparation for a new layer of asphalt (among a bevy of new upgrades to the streetscape downtown, including the removal of telephone poles).
In the process, they milled up enough to where you can just see the tops of the old trolley tracks, which had not seen since the early 1980s.
Source Code
unbending on breaking into a series of handshakes and deals
contracts written into existence post facto
words situated to fit the situation just as the unfolding takes place
(is this equal and opposite?)
more than making a fuss over
this documentation
more than just a casual observation
the parties involved take parts neither are quite sure of
the definitions of which lay unfinished in a heap somewhere
notes scribbled, things referred to as “paperwork”
ellipses taking the place of, or implying meaning where any has yet to settle despite the appearance of agreement or sense of propriety
this is where bleak formality is layered in
where the comfort of conformity trumps the ideas of action
where the questions, in all the forms they’re known to adopt
whether posture or postulation, blossom into a thing more important than that for which they strive
– the answer is the terminal, the question, the journey
between that which is developing
the cause and effect
the nuance
the roles implemented
the desire to imagine
to backfill and anticipate that which is not apparent, becomes the beauty of the action taken
makes connections
makes that upon which we endeavor a voyage instead of mere motion.
Celebrating women, cautiously.
Rest in Peace, Denis Mahoney
By now many of you have heard the sad news of Tariq’s passing. He died peacefully at home on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at the age of 52.
From Denis’ Facebook Page:
A memorial service for Denis will be held at La Grua Center in Stonington, CT on Friday, April 27, 2012 at 12:30pm. Everyone is also invited to a reception at Skippers Dock immediately following the memorial service. The La Grua Center and Skippers Dock are located very close to each other so you may park in either lot. Please allow a little extra driving time because Stonington Borough can be difficult to navigate.
La Grua Center
32 Water St Stonington, CT 06378
(860) 535-2300
Skippers Dock
66 Water Street Stonington, CT 06378
(860) 535-0111
In lieu of flowers, the family humbly requests that any donations be made to Say Yes Like a Tree – Education Fund in memory of Denis Mahoney.
Tariq, we are heartbroken and we miss you, but we are comforted that your legacy lives on through your art.
ART hangs here
Ninja paints Upper Playground

More here.