Ellery Twining- Dusty Springfield’s Record Collection (Official Music Video)

On RESULTS, Ellery Twining follows up his critically acclaimed solo debut REVENGE with an exploration into the soundscapes of Post Pop.

The third track on RESULTS is Dusty Springfield’s Record Collection.  Twining says, “Working at the  Mystic Disc record store since 1995 has brought many memorable moments of musical importance. When the store bought Dusty Springfield’s record collection, it was an indelible moment.”

The music video for Dusty Springfield’s Record Collection introduces a young fan of Dusty Springfield’s music as she searches for her records at the iconic Mystic Disc record shop in Downtown Mystic on a recent afternoon. Unbeknownst to her, the ghost of Dusty Springfield will also pay a visit to the Mystic Disc.

Written and directed by Mystic photographer Michelle Gemma

Edited by Jim Canty

Dusty Springfield’s Record Collection song credits:

Released June 1, 2023

all noises by Ellery Twining


David Bentley / The Bass Guitar

Produced and Recorded by Eric M. Lichter for Dirt Floor Recording & Production

Haddam, CT

Recorded between December 2022 and April 2023

Dusty Springfield’s Record Collection video credits:

Released August 17, 2024

All photographs and video by Michelle Gemma

Except video footage of 17 Relics from Disc40 by Frank Fulchiero for SEC-TV in Groton, CT on September 30, 2023

Models: Carly Straub as the young fan and Issy Paterson as Dusty Springfield

Mystic Disc workers: Emma & Maya & Fiona

Mystic Disc owner: Dan Curland

Filmed on June 30,  July 16 & August 7, 2024 at Mystic Disc  in Mystic, CT USA

Appearing in the photographs: Mystic Disc, Carly, Issy, Glastonbury Grove, DJ Shecky, DJ Jimmy K,
DJ Mark Amado, Emma, Maya, Fiona, James Maple, and the Dog Dan Curland.

S.B. Butler (Official Music Video)

S.B. Butler is the first music video from Ellery Twining’s second solo album “RESULTS”, released 1 June 2023

On RESULTS, Ellery Twining follows up his critically acclaimed solo debut REVENGE with an exploration into the soundscapes of Post Pop.

He has described the work as “A contextual dissemination of the Generation X transformation into the Post Generation.” Further elaborating, he conveys that there are underlying themes of popular culture, childhood survival tactics, and the consequences of “socially acceptable divorce.”

“This group of songs illustrates the experience of seeing through the eyes of Generation X kids during their childhood, and its reflection.”

Written and directed by Mystic Photographer Michelle Gemma

Edited by Jim Canty

S.B. Butler song credits:
Released June 1, 2023
all noises by Ellery Twining
David Bentley / The Bass Guitar
Mixed by Eric Lichter for Dirt Floor Recording & Production
Recorded at The  Dirt Floor Studio
Haddam, CT
Recorded between December 2022 and April 2023

S.B Butler video credits:
Released April 1, 2024
All photographs and video by Michelle Gemma
Except childhood photos from the Freitas Family Albums

Model: Carly Straub

Photographed August 2023 at S.B. Butler Elementary School and on Ocean View Avenue in Mystic, CT USA, and at the Odetah Playground in Bozrah, CT USA



Ellery Twining is ahead of his time. He foresees a post-pop era before the genre is even defined, but here and now, RESULTS convinces you that a new aesthetic is the inevitable. Before, the post pop genre hasn’t had an artist who can truly define the genre, at least not until Twining entered the scene.

Twining has something very special to share with RESULTS. Following his acclaimed debut release, the sophomore album further pushes the experimentation of form and texture. To answer the question what post-pop is, you need to first listen to his album. The album sees a translucent form of childhood nostalgia combined with a cynical look at past generations in reflection with modernity, pop, and pop culture.

The influences of RESULTS, or more accurately, its rising aesthetic is also echoed throughout different forms of contemporary art. In literature, there’s a rising of non-linear storytelling and expressiveness, which focus on individual artistry and creativity and sees narratives bend the rules of genres. RESULTS share the same thread of individuality, liberation, and expressiveness. Twining’s non-fiction, personalized narrative is entered through a fluid-like deformation of pop and folk lyricism and carried out by the heart of a poet.

RESULTS in a way reminds you of glam rock, avant-garde, and punk, of which forms all share the confrontation and seeking of a more conclusive expression as new movements and changes are emerging across the globe. We are too at a change of time, and RESULTS articulates these lost and undefined feelings. Its form might still be viewed as edgy by many, but it’s well-supported by the change of narratives that are happening in the world. RESULTS doesn’t lack universal appeal. It’s more than ever resonating and needed to be heard.

Punk Head: I love how your experiments in post-pop soundscapes relate to socially aware themes. Can you tell us more about RESULTS and how this project came to be?

Ellery Twining: Thank you! When I was a kid starting out in my first rock band, I realized that the music of the Sixties, that was a thread of the influence on us at the time, could not be understood simply by listening. There had to be a story behind “For What it’s Worth?” I thought to myself. And when I started digging, I found out there was a story. The voluminous threads of the Sixties culture led to a re-examination of the music from the 1970’s, which I experienced on AM radio, in my mother’s VW Bug. Every layer revealed another layer, and I began to understand the dynamic of being truthful in music, versus being “successful”. Having said that, I was determined to sign to a record label as a signature of accomplishment during my Rock Band years, and I thought that would equate to success. I was wrong.

RESULTS is evidence that I learned to do both at the same time; the music, and the intent.

PH: Can you talk about any standout tracks on the album and what makes them special to you?

Twining: “CELLAR DOOR” is the best song I have written, I think. Much of that is what Eric Lichter brought to the table during the sessions at Dirt Floor. I only write songs about events in my life that have actually happened. No fiction. I knew all of these kids in the song. It has a certain healing element, but it is also a fingerprint.

PH: How do you stay inspired and motivated to continue pushing boundaries in your art?

Twining: It’s a responsibility, yes?

PH: Who are your biggest influences?

Twining: I read an interesting interview recently with Geddy Lee of Rush, and he was asked about influences on their music. His response was perfect-“Have so many influences no one can distill them.” Cocteau Twins absolutely changed my life. (I suppose I am breaking my own reveal)

PH: What advice would you give to other artists who want to explore experimental art forms?

Twining: The canvas is quite filled out. Find the empty space.


No stranger to the LT1KF blog, Ellery Twining is a household name around here and in many eclectic circles with an equally eclectic sound he’s developed in the realm of the Post-Pop genre (AKA “avant-garde,” “no wave,” and “ambient.”)

We covered two of his previously released singles, “The Day Jeff Buckley Died” and “Weatherall,” as well as the critically acclaimed album, “Revenge,” in which those tracks were featured on. Twining rolls that momentum into a mind-blowing new album titled, “Results.” Bandcamper alert! The album is out now on Bandcamp.

The best way I could describe Ellery Twinning’s soundscape is like “slam-poetry meets psychedelic easy listening.” His lyrical prowess is not preachy, or overtly literal. It is expressionist, poignant, and thought-provoking. It makes listening to his albums an audibly hypnotic experience from beginning to end.

He begins the album with a strong sentiment, the track “The Sixth of January.” His poetic musings do not shy away from the current landscapes of societal disarrays nor the correlations between them and his own personal reflections and memories.

In this particular album, he has described the work as “A contextual dissemination of the Generation X transformation into the Post Generation.” Further elaborating, he conveys that there are underlying themes of popular culture, childhood survival tactics, and the consequences of “socially acceptable divorce.” In fact, one of the original working titles of the album was at one time “The Divorce Kid.”


“This group of songs illustrates the experience of seeing through the eyes of Generation X kids during their childhood, and its reflection.”

A talented multi-instrumentalist, Twining wrote and performed all the instrumentation on the album, with the exception of Bass Guitar (credited to David Bentley). The production of the album was done by Eric Lichter of Dirt Floor Recording Studio. One thing that makes him particularly unique to the Post Pop genre is his affinity for traditional Pop structures, while at the very same time going out of his way to manipulate and circumvent them. But don’t take my word for it! Give the album a listen for yourself, because as Ellery Twinning himself would say, “the proof is in RESULTS.”


RESULTS is an experience that’s multifaceted, one that’s a storytelling journey told and explored through a multitude of mediums, both spoken word and alternative rock compositions that go hand in hand to deliver a sonic story that’s almost like a full blown path into lives of Generation X. Opening with the Sixth of January, it’s clear that Twining has a political undercurrent to his work that translates into his musicality. It’s far from the norm, both from a composition perspective and from a topical one. He thrives on the boundaries, as an artist with a vision for his music and for his purpose.

Songs like “DUSTY SPRINGFIELD RECORD COLLECTION”, which begin with this quaint acoustic jingling, slowly start derailing into the complete spoken word performance of Twining. The delivery is also far from constant or consistent, it thrives on its staccato approach. He paces himself exquisitely, leaving ample time between lines for each statement to sit with you, leave you anticipating more. A strange and bemusing spiel on vinyl revivals might not be what you could conceive from the opening chords, but that’s precisely what you get and are left fascinated by.

I remember being fascinated by my mother’s limited cache of makeup, hidden from my father on the utility bathroom of the second floor where I slept”. As opening lines go, ROUGE is about as pointed and captivating as they come by.

From back to front, there’s something rivetingly intriguing about RESULTS. Twining is an artist across facets, a poet, a storyteller, and a composer with intention to his performance. This isn’t a purely musical album, it’s a narrative piece served in byte sized pockets that are seemingly absurd and quirky but compelling throughout.


There is a certain suburban charm to RESULTS, Ellery Twining’s latest full-length studio release. It might be the lyrical intricacies, so detailed you can often see the stories as they unfurl in front of you, or it might be the skeletal-sounding mixes that often buzz with mundane textures, neatly arranged into nuanced mosaic-like scenes. Anyhow, RESULTS is a follow-up to a successful debut that shows that Ellery Twinings is a capable writer of songs with a vision that he meticulously executes.

On RESULTS, Ellery, a singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist from the city of Mystic, Connecticut, is taking the character of a generation X kid somewhere in American suburbia, sharing stories led by his character, his character’s brother, and their family and home lives. Charming and simple, Twinings’s peculiar songwriting is neatly aligned with his descriptive lyrics that can often sound bizarrely private, and told in an almost spoken fashion, there’s something adorably unnerving about the album’s storytelling techniques.

The lyrics don’t take the spotlight from the music though, even if it might be the heavier side of the balance of RESULTS. Most of the album’s compositions are intricate and non-linear, and the usage of barebones guitar, bass, and even drum sounds, a mystique is spun around most of the songs on RESULTS that make them easy to reminisce over, remembering our childhoods and stories from our own homes.

Among the album’s standouts are the outstanding starter ‘SIXTH OF JANUARY’. An apt introduction to the sound of the album’s, on a few steroids. The song introduces us to the jangly beats and Twinings distinctive performance style. With deep lyrical content about patriotism and national crisis, and an open sound to the bass and the sparkling guitars, ‘SIXTH OF JANUARY’ is a memorable, rich introduction, even if it is not as musically direct and accessible as most other offerings on the album. One more sublime offering is ‘DUSTY SPRINGFIELD’S RECORD COLLECTION’. Musical, groovy, and inviting, this cut retells parts of the story of the titular star’s life, one of the 60s most easily recognizable voices. The lyrics, which showcase the stark contrast between lifestyles now and then, are imaginative and confrontational. The open-ended music has a pull to it, thanks to the simplistic composition and mix.

‘DEAFENING’ is another stunner that sounds trippy with its phased guitars and reverb-laden atmospheres. More personal memories pouring from Twinings mouth, this time describes an incident of parental abuse, are almost surreal to listen to with such a dreamy backing. ‘S. B. BUTLER’ is a spacey affair that’s loaded with a throbbing, alien guitar texture, pit against some of the album’s most serene rhythm strums, creating a contrast that’s a total sensory pleasure. ‘WHAT’S GONNA SET YOU FREE’ is another acoustic stunner with a sloppy, sleepy groove and a post-pop sound that is straight out of the nineties. The unfamiliar chord voicings also play a major role in amplifying the alien, breezy sound on most of the album’s songs.

Talented at creating lush soundscapes, whether it be by word or by music, Ellery Twining successfully weaves together another endlessly special album of personal songs that all sound equally loved and calculated, with each showcasing a different lyrical approach that pours into the familiar pot of family drama. From throbbing guitars to wailing string arrangements, Twining shines musically just as much as lyrically, bringing forth one exceedingly crisp offering of post-pop.


Mystic, Connecticut-based folk artist, Ellery Twining, delivers their sophomore album, RESULTS. Ellery Twining is a political folk artist who released their debut album REVENGE on Bandcamp. Their latest album RESULTS, is an indie folk project centering around the political landscape of today. The album utilizes dreamy soundscapes and nostalgic vibes of 80’s art rock as Ellery narrates the project though spoken work vocals. Ellery Twining’s latest album, RESULTS, is an innovative art rock experience and the perfect addition to any indie playlist. Learn more about Ellery Twining on his official website and listen to songs from RESULTS below.


Defining his own path with a rather incredible 9-track release, Ellery Twining sat down with us a few days ago and let us know more about Results, the creative process, the best place to watch music in his local area, and the depth of the lyrical intent of this self-trained innovative artist who has made something rather special here.

Llewelyn: Thanks so much for taking time out from your busy day of making such inspiring music to chat with us Ellery. Firstly, who are you inspired by each day and what makes you happy in life?

Ellery: My goal in this life was not to make the same mistakes my father had made. To not repeat the same patterns. And to break a bloodline. As a musician, I simply wanted to give back the moments that had shaped me, a reciprocal reality. I had an argument with my mother about ten years ago, during the Obama years, and she chastised me for being ignorant of the immigration issue in America, having lived in “lily white Mystic” my whole life. As a method of protection, I changed the subject. I then realized I had been paid to play music in 23 of the 50 States.

Llewelyn: Secondly, please tell us all about your new 9-track release, RESULTS. This is something rather unique and powerful. Lyrical awareness of the world seems to be your strength. What does this new project mean to you and what is the vision behind it?

Ellery: I created specific parameters for my debut REVENGE, because I simply wanted to be able to finish it! As I began working on songs after I released that record, I found myself writing ideas that seemed to be a sequel to REVENGE, and an electric guitar-based record I referred to as “Prism Point”, a working title. However, a few months into the process I became bored with the new acoustic songs, and I said to myself, “Why do you want to make REVENGE again?” I then began to find a common thread between the two records, acoustic songs that worked alongside certain electric tunes. That is the composition of RESULTS.

Llewelyn: I went to Connecticut years ago during a trip as a camp counsellor. It’s so beautiful there with so many trees and much calmness. Is this where you grew up and have lived your whole life? What makes it special for you?

Ellery: I have lived in Mystic, CT for my entire life. There is a psychic vortex that runs beneath the river. And I can prove its existence. For real.

Llewelyn: With no traditional singing training, do you feel like it actually helped you naturally or hindered you at all? Also, your sound has such a unique construction, how has this developed over time?

Ellery: Having been a member of many rock ensembles as a drummer, one soon learns the limitations placed on your creativity. As a result of this insight, I began writing and publishing poetry during the summer of 1988. In Mystic, during the 1990s, there was a robust poetry / spoken word element to the culture in town at the time. Hozomeen Press was the quintessential indie publishing house of that era, printing quarterly magazines as well as a full roster of poets from the Mystic scene. In addition, there was an incredibly competitive weekly poetry reading in the basement bar of a Mystic restaurant that dated to 1789. The atmosphere was electric, and that is where I honed my skills as a spoken word performer. When I began to apply that experience to the songs I was writing, as a drummer it was fairly easy to create a rhythm inside the melody, within the syntax of the words.

Llewelyn: If you could be the President of the USA for 4 years, what would you hope to accomplish and stand for? We seem to live in a rather odd world. Do you think humanity can get back to a more relaxed state with fewer wars and conflicts?

Ellery: There seems to be an interesting timeline between the immediate effects of climate change, (as well as a myriad of other problems) and the possibility of answering our most pressing energy and economic issues with the realization of fusion technology.

Llewelyn: Has there been anyone in your life who’s helped you get to where you are now? Also, have you had any interactions with a fan, friend or family member where you’ve realized…this is who I make music for.

Ellery: My wife Michelle is the only reason I am able to be Ellery Twining. During the pandemic, I approached the members of my very first band 17 Relics about releasing our last record which never saw the light of day. None of us were happy with the recording, which is why it had remained unreleased for 28 years. I even suggested that we re-record the songs as a caveat, to no avail. The same disagreements that brought the band to a halt still existed. I sent a text to the Relics bass player David Bentley, who also plays all of the bass on the Ellery Twining recordings, that I had a realization. As good as the songs were, as competent musicians navigating a difficult business, the only reason we had any success was because my parents let us use their basement as a practice space for free. And that David’s parents gave us full access to the equipment of their engineering firm-~ professional copiers we made our press kits on with no charge, and the company van to get to our earliest out-of-town gigs. I have always been committed to making music to give back to the community that liberated me as a teenager. I see it as a responsibility.

Llewelyn: Lastly, where do you see yourself creatively in the next 5 years and is there anywhere you’d love to tour in the world?

Ellery: One lesson I learned (amongst many) during the pandemic was:

How long is an hour?

How long is a day?

How long is a year?

How much can you accomplish in an hour?

A day.

A year….

I was at the Coney Island NY Daft Punk show in 2007, and as such, I do not yearn for places I have never been.


Ellery Twining, following the success of his highly acclaimed solo debut “Revenge,” delves deep into the realms of Post Pop with his latest album, “Results.” This collection of songs takes listeners on a journey through the eyes of Generation X kids, providing an introspective reflection on their childhood experiences. Twining’s ambition to break free from the traditional Pop/Rock format is realized as he explores the possibilities of soundscapes and crafts a concept revolving around the universal conception of ABACAB.

In “Results,” Twining demonstrates his mastery in merging musical innovation with thought-provoking lyricism. The underlying themes of popular culture, childhood survival tactics, and the consequences of Socially Acceptable Divorce are presented from a unique perspective, offering a fresh and enlightening point of view. The album’s original title, “Divorce Kid,” hints at the introspective nature of the record, inviting listeners to delve into the complex emotions and experiences of Twining’s own journey.

While certain songs on “Results” may share some elements with the time-honored structure of Pop, Twining reinvents the genre, pushing its boundaries and delivering a truly captivating experience. The album features a total of nine unique songs, each showcasing Twining’s diverse musical themes and styles. His unconventional musical choices and unique wordplay create a distinct and engaging sound that resonates deeply with his audience.

“Results” is a testament to Twining’s ability to merge innovation and relatability. Through his evocative storytelling and exceptional musicality, he invites listeners to explore the uncharted territories of Post Pop. With this album, Twining proves that he is not afraid to take risks and carve out his own path in the music industry. “Results” is a must-listen for anyone seeking a fresh and immersive musical experience.


Ellery Twining, the alter ego of musician Rich Freitas, unveils his latest full-length record, RESULTS, following the success of his critically acclaimed solo debut single, “REVENGE.” Hailing from Mystic in Connecticut, Twining has spent almost two decades honing his drumming skills with various bands, all while patiently developing his own solo musical style.

RESULTS takes listeners on an exploration of post pop soundscapes, delving into the perspective of Generation X kids during their childhood and its subsequent reflection. Twining ventures outside the confines of traditional commercial music formats, crafting songs that revolve around the universal conception of ABACAB, presenting a unique musical realisation. In this album, the lyrics take centre stage, becoming the driving force behind the storytelling. Themes of popular culture, childhood survival tactics and the consequences of Socially Acceptable Divorce weave their way through the album, offering a thought-provoking and distinctive point of view. Twining even contemplated titling the record ‘Divorce Kid,’ emphasising the personal and introspective nature of the songs.

While some tracks on RESULTS share commonalities with the time-honoured structure of pop, Twining reinvents this structure, resulting in a refreshing and innovative sound. He takes complete ownership of the record, playing all the instruments, writing the songs and lyrics and participating in the production alongside Eric Lichter of Dirt Floor Recording Studio. The bass guitar, however, is exclusively executed by David Bentley.

With RESULTS, Ellery Twining presents a highly original alternative folk journey across nine songs. The album opens with the haunting piano tones and spoken-word vocals of “SIXTH OF JANUARY,” gradually building up with acoustic guitar, bass and subtle percussion as it recounts the infamous events of an attempted political coup. “THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE” follows, exuding a more upbeat vibe with shimmering guitar chords, grooving rhythm and narrative lyricism.

“ROGUE” offers a mellow indie folk backdrop to Twining’s trademark spoken vocal delivery, creating an intimate atmosphere. “ELECTRIC BOAT” takes on a gently melancholic tone, characterised by bright acoustic guitar strums and delicate string flourishes that intertwine seamlessly. The album culminates with “CELLAR DOOR,” a beautiful and elegant progressive folk track that brings the enthralling sonic journey to a close. It features a laid-back snapping beat, acoustic arrangement and evocative lyrics that paint a vivid picture. RESULTS showcases Twining’s talents as a singer-songwriter with a unique creative vision, resulting in an enjoyable and intimate listening experience.

Ellery Twining’s RESULTS is a stunning exploration of modern folk, demonstrating the artistry and depth of a truly talented musician. With his intricate storytelling, innovative compositions and captivating vocals, Twining proves himself as an artist worth paying attention to. This album is a testament to his creative vision and ability to craft an intimate and immersive musical experience for his audience.



If Sonic Youth prolonged Kim Gordon’s spoken word verse in Kool Thing and played with post-pop and post-punk sensibilities, the result would be as coldly electrifying as the standout single, WHAT’S GONNA SET YOU FREE from Ellery Twining’s 2023 LP, RESULTS.

With a Joy Division-esque atmosphere ringing in the background of the stellar production by Eric Lichter of Dirt Floor Recording Studio, all the right motifs are in place to bring a tonal sense of familiarity, while Ellery uses his distinctively exasperated devil-may-care vocal energy to set the listener free from sonic monotony.

The soundscapes were compiled to reflect the childhood and coming-of-age experiences of Gen X kids, with themes of popular culture, childhood survival tactics and the ramifications of living in an era when divorce became socially acceptable at its core. Forget the Coupland novel, for nostalgically vindicating resonance, delve right into RESULTS.

From The Day’s Archive 26 December 1995 by Scott Timberg

My first big scoop! Scott Timberg, RIP, was a force upon the Mystic Art & Culture scene in the 1990’s, seemingly at every rock show, poetry reading, art exhibit, with pencil and pad in hand.

Thank you to the Day for digitizing its archive!

Next up- ads from Stitch in Time Boutique, circa 1979

DISC40 is now live on TV!

Tune in to SEC-TV three nights a week for the next month or so to watch DISC40 on Public Access Television or watch here live on our very own PortFire TV channel over at YouTube. Thank you to all of the performers and presenters! Thank you to Frank Fulchiero at SEC-TV for filming and editing this TV video!


I heard you knocking
at our cellar door
shakey made a run to New York
and he had scored
and you were desperate

how did you know?

acceptance proceeds at
its own pace
perception is constantly
a step behind
a step behind

the bottle,
friday evening.

the needle,
thursday night.

it was a secret
until it wasn’t

the neighborhood kids didn’t hear our warnings
they were simply kids
tired of warnings
tired of fighting
tired of trying
some survived
some were revived
and some of you died


lyrics by Ellery Twining


from RESULTS, track released June 1, 2023

Love Conquers All

The Demeter and Persephone Story: The Genesis

As the legend goes, Hades rarely ventured out of the underworld. But, the few times he did, he encountered Persephone. She was the alluring daughter of Zeus and Demeter.

From the moment he first set his eyes on her, he was drawn to her and instantly fell in love. So, Hades went to his brother Zeus to consult him. Zeus had previously promised Hades one of his daughters in marriage. And when Hades told him that he wanted to marry Persephone, Zeus obliged.

He knew, however, that Persephone’s mother Demeter would never allow her daughter to marry the dark god of the underworld. Hades was heartbroken that he would never be able to have Persephone as his wife. So, the two brothers hatched a plan that would see him marry the woman he desperately loved.

The next morning, Demeter and her daughter descended upon the earth. The two were incredibly close just as most mothers and daughters are when girls begin to transition into womanhood.

Demeter was the life-giving goddess of agriculture, grain, and harvest. She provided mortals with plants, food, and vegetables. She also gave them the ability to cultivate wheat.

She showed them how to plant the seeds, nurture them, and harvest them. She even taught them how to grind the grain to produce flour, which they could turn into bread. Demeter left her daughter with the nymphs of the sea to watch over her while she went to tend to her earthly duties.

Zeus knew that the nymphs would never let Persephone out of their sight for fear of Demeter’s wrath. So, he had Gaia plant an enchanting narcissus flower in a nearby garden. As Persephone wandered away from her mother and into the garden, she saw the flower and was immediately drawn to its beauty.

The Abduction

No sooner had she stooped to pick it, than the ground beneath her feet began to quake and a gaping crack soon appeared. As the crack widened, Hades and his chariot of black horses emerged from it and began charging towards Persephone.

Before she could even master a scream, Hades grabbed Persephone and took her down with him to the world of the dead. The nymph named Sion witnessed the abduction and had tried to rescue Persephone, but there was nothing she could do.

She was no match for Hades. Sion was so distraught over her friend’s abduction that she cried until she melted into a pool of her tears, forming the river Sion.

When Demeter returned, she couldn’t find her daughter anywhere. So, she asked the nymphs about it, but they had no answer. Demeter was furious that they didn’t protect her daughter like they were supposed to.

Her wrath rained down on the nymphs, and she cursed them with plumed bodies, scaly feet, and wings. They would no longer be called nymphs of the sea. They would henceforth be known as sirens.

When Persephone’s belt was washed up by the river Sion, Demeter knew that something dreadful had happened to her daughter. She roamed the earth for days on end driven mad by her beloved daughter’s disappearance.

She searched endlessly, neglecting her duties to tend to the earth to nourish the mortals. Plants withered, animals died, and famine ravaged the earth resulting in untold misery. The cries of the mortals reached mount Olympus, and Zeus knew that he had to intervene to calm Demeter’s wrath and spare humanity.

Persephone: The Dark Queen

Zeus sent Hermes to the underworld to bring Persephone back home to her mother. When he got there, he was surprised by what he found. Instead of finding a sorrowful grief-stricken maiden, he was met with a radiant Queen.

During her time there, Hades had beautiful gardens built for Persephone. He treated her with respect and compassion, and she inevitably began to fall in love with him. She saw a side to him she had never seen before, and she embraced her new home helping the spirits of the dead to cross over.

When Hermes requested her return, Persephone was conflicted. On the one hand, she loved Hades and wanted to remain with him, but on the other, she loved and deeply missed her mother.

Hades was terrified that if she was presented with the choice of staying with him of returning to her mother, he would lose. So, he gifted her with six pomegranate seeds to eat, and she did. In Greek mythology, it was believed that if one ate food given to them by their captor, they would always return.

Love Conquers All

When Hermes brought Persephone back to Mount Olympus, Zeus asked her where she would like to live. She expressed that she wanted to stay by her husband’s side.

Demeter was infuriated by her response and was convinced that Hades had something to do with it. She wouldn’t have any of it. She said made it known in no uncertain terms that if her daughter did not return to her, she would never again tend to the earth.

Zeus decided that Persephone would split her time between her mother and her husband. Since she ate six pomegranate seeds, Persephone would spend half the year with her mother at Olympus and the other half with Hades.

The Changing Seasons

Many believe that the Demeter and Persephone story explains the seasons of the year. During the time that Persephone spends away from her mother, Demeter causes the earth to wither and die. This time of year became autumn and winter.

Persephone’s arrival to be reunited with her mother signals a renewal of hope. It represents the rebirth of untold splendor and abundance. The earth once again becomes fertile and fruitful.

All Photographs by Michelle Gemma

and featuring a collage by Ellery Twining on the last photo for “The Changing Seasons”
featuring Models: Jane Anderson & Julia Farrar
Gungywamp, Groton, CT USA

text courtesy of https://www.theoi.com/articles/what-is-the-demeter-and-persephone-story-summarized/

this is the resurrection prequel to my next photoseries:
Stay Tuned!

Free From Gravity

Django Django are a British art rock band based in London, England. Formed in 2009, the band has released four studio albums starting with their self-titled debut in 2012. Their latest album Glowing in the Dark was released on 12 February 2021. This music video was shot in Stonington, CT and released 24 January 2021.

Written, Directed, and Produced by James Canty