How Do I Post?
- Contact Mat Tarbox [] to setup an account – you will soon be given Author credentials –
- Select the ‘Add New‘ button in the dashboard bar up in the upper left
- Select ‘Post‘
- Type or Paste some Killer Content, Reviews, Inspirations, or News (please read down below if you are having problems embedding media of any kind)
- Add some Tag(s) (listed over on the right side as well)
- Select the Submit button in the upper right.
A Brief Word About Tags
Hit up as many Tags as you’d like when you are making a New Post –
Tags are great because you can sort everything at PortFire easily by just clicking on a Tag in the right column –
To make this system work, we should Tag our Posts with 1-5 useful terms – you can either select them (“Choose from the most used tags”) or make new ones, by typing in each term – remember to separate multiple typed Tags with comma, or it will think it is one long phrase of a Tag instead of separate Tags.
How Do I Post Music?
You can link to a song, or you can upload one to PortFire.
If you are uploading, it has to be an MP3 if you wish to embed into a Post with our MP3 player.
- When creating a new Post, select the ‘Add Media’ button up above the comment box where it says “Upload/Insert” –
- Then, select Load from Computer, or Load from URL, and get the MP3.
- Once the song is done uploading, change the title if you want, fill in any info –
- Then, under the ‘Link URL’ box (do not enter any typed url into this text box) just select the Audio Player button on the right –
- Below that, Select ‘Insert Into Post’
- Exit out of this dialog box, and continue to edit your Post if you wish –
How Do I Post a Youtube?
All you need to do is paste the Youtube url into the Post. No HTML code or special buttons are necessary. Just like “” (without the ” marks) – no need for special YouTube codes, it will add them automagically.
Make sure when you are pasting the link into PortFire, that you are in the HTML mode, and not the Visual mode, when editing the post (these controls are found in the upper right of your text box).
Use the Youtube URL that is in your browser’s address bar up top, rather than using the Youtube Share/Embed button which creates a shortened url that does not work at PortFire as easily.
No Worries!
Your friendly admin will try to correct any little glitches he stumbles across, and is happy to field any questions or issues at any time – Can’t get an mp3 to play? Just email me at and I will try to sort it out –