Modern Genealogy

import requests
import json
import getpass
import time
import os
import csv
import pprint
import datetime
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry

# URL data
login_url = ""
prefix_url = ""
matches_url_suffix = "/matches?filterBy=ALL&sortBy=RELATIONSHIP&page="
shared_matches_url_suffix1 = "/matchesInCommon?filterBy=ALL&sortBy=RELATIONSHIP&page="
shared_matches_url_suffix2 = "&matchTestGuid="

def get_json(session, url):
# Get the raw JSON for the tests
user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.143 Safari/537.36'
headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent}
raw = requests_retry_session(session).get(url, headers=headers).text
# parse it into a dict
data = json.loads(raw)
return data

def requests_retry_session(session,
status_forcelist=(500, 502, 504)
session = session or requests.Session()
retry = Retry(
adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
session.mount('https://', adapter)
session.mount('https://', adapter)
return session

def get_credentials():
# Username and password should be provided by user via input
username = input("Ancestry username: ")
# This should be masked
password = getpass.getpass(prompt='Ancestry Password: ', stream=None)
return username, password

def get_guids(raw_data):
tests = {}
for i in range(len(raw_data['data']['completeTests'])):
guid = (raw_data['data']['completeTests'][i]['guid'])
tester = (raw_data['data']['completeTests'][i]['testSubject']
['givenNames'] + " " + raw_data['data']['completeTests']
tests[i+1] = tester, guid
return tests

def get_max_pages():
# Get max number of pages to scrape.
There are about 50 matches per page. The default sorting lists closer
matches on the earlier pages. That means that the more pages scanned,
the more false positives will be brought in. Based on my results,
things start getting really sketchy around page 25 to 30. This is 1500
matches, which is more than I will ever be concerned about. Also, it
takes about 30 seconds per page of (50) matches. Sure, that sounds
fast with only a few pages, but if you try to grab "ALL" of your
matches (1000 pages max), you are talking several hours.
print("How many pages of matches would you like to capture?")
user_max = input("Enter a number, or All for all pages: ")
if user_max == "" or user_max.lower() == "all":
user_max = "1000"
user_max = int(user_max)
print(user_max*50, "matches coming right up!")
return user_max

def delete_old(prefix):
# Delete old files
print("Deleting old files")
if os.path.exists(prefix+"edges.csv"):
except PermissionError:
print(prefix+"edges.csv is open.")
input("Press any key after you close the file.")
if os.path.exists(prefix+"nodes.csv"):
except PermissionError:
print(prefix+"nodes.csv is open.")
input("Press any key after you close the file.")

def make_data_file(prefix, type):
filename = prefix + type
if "nodes" in filename:
header = ['Label', 'ID', 'Starred', 'Confidence',
'cMs', 'Segments', 'Notes']
if "edges" in filename:
header = ['Source', 'Target']
with open(filename, "w", newline='') as f:
data_file = csv.writer(f)
return filename

def harvest_matches(session, data, guid, nodes_file, edges_file):
for i in range(len(data['matchGroups'])):
for m in range(len(data['matchGroups'][i]['matches'])):
match_name = data['matchGroups'][i]['matches'][m]['matchTestDisplayName']
match_guid = data['matchGroups'][i]['matches'][m]['testGuid']
match_starred = data['matchGroups'][i]['matches'][m]['starred']
match_confidence = data['matchGroups'][i]['matches'][m]['confidence']
match_cms = data['matchGroups'][i]['matches'][m]['sharedCentimorgans']
match_segments = data['matchGroups'][i]['matches'][m]['sharedSegments']
match_notes = data['matchGroups'][i]['matches'][m]['note']
match_starred = data['matchGroups'][i]['matches'][m]['starred']
match_details = (match_name, match_guid, match_starred,
match_confidence, match_cms, match_segments,
with open(nodes_file, "a", newline='') as n:
nodes = csv.writer(n)
# Get Shared Matches
page = 1
while page < 3:
# Build shared matches URL
sm_url = str(prefix_url + guid + shared_matches_url_suffix1
+ str(page) + shared_matches_url_suffix2
+ match_guid)
# Does second page of matches exist?
second_page = harvest_shared_matches(session, sm_url,
match_guid, edges_file)
# Code smell. Rough logic to increment or break.
if second_page and page < 3:
page = page + 1
page = 3

def harvest_shared_matches(session, sm_url, match_guid, edges_file):
# Grab the ICW data first, and add it to edges.csv
sm_data = get_json(session, sm_url)
for mg in range(len(sm_data['matchGroups'])):
for sm in range(len(sm_data['matchGroups'][mg]['matches'])):
sm_guid = sm_data['matchGroups'][mg]['matches'][sm]['testGuid']
icw = (match_guid, sm_guid)
with open(edges_file, "a", newline='') as e:
edges = csv.writer(e)
# Then check for second page existance.
if sm_data['pageCount'] == 1:
return False
return True

def main():
# Login
username, password = get_credentials()
payload = {"username": username,
"password": password}

# Create session object
session_requests = requests.session()

# Start Session
with session_requests as session:, data=payload)
data = get_json(session, prefix_url)

# Get the list of tests available as a dict
test_guids = get_guids(data)
print("Available tests:")
# Print them on formatting
for k, v in test_guids.items():
""" k is the number associated with the test kit.
v[0] is the test taker's name.
v[1] is the guid for the test kit.
print("Test", str(k) + ":", v[0])
test_selection = int(input("\nSelect the Test # that you want to gather \
matches for: "))
test_taker = test_guids[test_selection][0].replace(' ', '')
test_guid = test_guids[test_selection][1]

# Get number of pages to retrieve
max_pages = get_max_pages()

# Deal with files
filename_prefix = str( + "_" + test_taker + "_"
# Delete old files
# Create new files
nodes_file = make_data_file(filename_prefix, "nodes.csv")
edges_file = make_data_file(filename_prefix, "edges.csv")

# Start to gather match data using number of pages variable
# Needs a test in here to see if there are as many pages as input.
print("Gathering match details. Please wait.")
for page_number in range(1, max_pages+1):
print("Starting match page #:", page_number)
test_url = str(prefix_url + test_guid + matches_url_suffix
+ str(page_number))
# print("test_url:", test_url)
matches = get_json(session, test_url)
# print("matchGroups length:", len(matches['matchGroups']))
if len(matches['matchGroups']) == 0:
harvest_matches(session, matches, test_guid, nodes_file, edges_file)
print("\nMatch gathering complete.\n")
