featuring Model: Emma Rocherolle
as my Scorpio on the Full Pink Moon
Photograph by Michelle Gemma
shot with the Mamiya 7
on Ilford Delta 400 Pro film
Inspiration: Flatliners by Peter Filardi
—excerpt from the Bell Jar, by Sylvia Plath, first published in January 1963 under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas and later released posthumously under her real name.
featuring Model: Jane Anderson
Photograph by Michelle Gemma
“Hi Michelle,
Although I have not run into you around Mystic in a very long time, I am sure you remember me since in the past you took photographs of Maria.
I have been meaning to call you, but usually do not remember until it is too late at night to do it.
As you know, Maria’s father was not at all pleased with the pictures of Maria.
Since the art festival is quickly approaching, I am emailing to ask that you absolutely do not use any photos of her in your booth this year or in any future years
– or show them at any other local events.
We have a friend who seems to go out of his way to check your booth each year and report back to her father, which always sends him into a tirade about how it was never the right thing to do.
I truly think it would be best if you destroyed all negatives of her pictures. I know some were exhibited at the Wayne Richard Barbershop when it first opened, because someone else mentioned that at the time also.
Sorry this did not work out well.
Thank you for your consideration.”
—-Maria’s Mother
note: the photographer’s father was protective, also.
featuring Model: Alycia delosSantos
House of 1833, Old Mystic, CT USA
Photograph by Michelle Gemma
Kodak TMAX 120mm film scanned
featuring Model: Erin Fowler
Photograph by Michelle Gemma
Ilford Delta 400 Pro
Mystic, CT USA
–featuring Model: Morgan Vail
from the ongoing series “Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl”—
a timeline of photographs over 18 years with the same model
Avery Point, CT USA
Photograph by Michelle Gemma